Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Köthen i Köthen (Anhalt)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandMedizinisches Versorgungszentrum Köthen


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29, Hallesche Straße, 06366, Köthen (Anhalt), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3496 521421
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Latitude: 51.7467684, Longitude: 11.9711176

kommentar 5

  • J. R.

    J. R.


    After a bicycle fall on the palms of my hands, no further treatment was given, but I was advised to wait. Still in pain after four weeks, MRI recommended. Bone marrow edema was discovered in both hands. But since too much time had already passed, there was no treatment that could improve things. Please go to a “real” specialist instead of going to the MVZ (surgery).

  • Michael Schmidt

    Michael Schmidt


    Coming back from vacation especially to keep the appointment I got from the KV headquarters. And then I'm standing there and the fax can't be found. No fax, no appointment. I called KV and the appointment was booked there!? Still no effort to find a solution for me. Even though I'm annoyed now, I don't think I know that all practices are simply overwhelmed. But how can it be that you have to wait 2 months or longer for an appointment with a herniated disc? Thanks

  • Solvie



    Human Behavior Failed!!!

  • Stephan Schwarzbach

    Stephan Schwarzbach


    Even one star is still too much. Obviously overwhelmed and listless staff at reception. Arrogant and arrogant. Impossible to reach by phone for making appointments.

  • Heike Kawski

    Heike Kawski


    Arrogant staff at registration. Booking appointments by phone doesn't work at all. You are brushed off at the counter...There is better patient service in other clinics.

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