Matthias Richter i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandMatthias Richter



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32, Kreuzsteinstraße, 95028, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 889311
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Latitude: 50.3181914, Longitude: 11.9115204

kommentar 5

  • Elmar Busch

    Elmar Busch


    A great doctor. Have not seen a better doctor. I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have given me my joie de vivre again. Unfortunately, I moved away from Hof. Super and very friendly team.

  • Jenny Schreiner

    Jenny Schreiner


    Super doctor. Even as a fearful patient with very bad teeth, I like to go back again and again. Everyone is friendly and you feel comfortable there. I looked for a long time until I found such a good doctor. My children will switch to him too.

  • Heike M

    Heike M


    I've been with Mr. Richter for 20 years, I like to drive the 50km to my dentist, the team is always friendly and courteous, teeth cleaning is great, and Mr. Richter is a competent, super nice dentist, just great, always happy, therefore 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ thank you very much

  • M Heß

    M Heß


    Very nice practice team and competent. Unfortunately, I have inherited bad teeth and have to go to the dentist regularly although I am also a so-called "fear patient". But with Mr. Richter, you don't have to be afraid because he is sensitive to the patient Pain during a treatment, because he can use this "anesthetic syringe" really very well and he really waits until it works completely and not like with other dentists, where immediately after the syringe is drilled. Really satisfied :)

  • Rottmann Immobilien GmbH

    Rottmann Immobilien GmbH


    Ordinary work. Invades patients. Do not just try to checkout. A good dentist. Free parking in front of the practice is not a problem. Parking fee will be refunded.

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