manna - die Spezerei i Freiburg im Breisgau

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Tysklandmanna - die Spezerei



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28, Augustinerplatz, 79098, Freiburg im Breisgau, Freiburg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 761 2909664
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.9939351, Longitude: 7.852086

kommentar 5

  • Natasha A.

    Natasha A.


    They are very friendly and everything about the food was just so delicious ! We were very satisfied with our breakfast :) Also best croissant I have ever eaten ! :)

  • Veena S

    Veena S


    Tasty food and friendly staff. We tried chickpea and lentil salad, Italian sour dough toast and mango buttermilk smoothie. All of them very delicious and we enjoyed our breakfast

  • wender wisney moreira

    wender wisney moreira


    Great place to have breakfast, food is great and the personal friendly.

  • Omar Ghazi

    Omar Ghazi


    We went there Friday morning at 10:00 and there was no line so we were able to order our food very quickly. They made our food/drinks right then and there so it was fast. It was self service so we picked up our food and found a place to sit outside with no problem! The food itself was very delicious. I got the Chicken Toscana and Cappuccino grande. Both were very delicious and it was an excellent time and spot for breakfast before the hustle and bustle of the beautiful city of Freiburg began.

  • Hannah Kleyer

    Hannah Kleyer


    Good place for coffee and cakes. The original Black Forest Cake should be with cherries - but also this one was very delicious

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