LUKAS Bäcker i Leipzig

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TysklandLUKAS Bäcker



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13b, Gohlis Arkaden Lützowstraße 9, 04155 Leipzig, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 341 5502169
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Latitude: 51.3620487, Longitude: 12.371346

kommentar 5

  • Steph Mö

    Steph Mö


    If I buy a roll at 5 p.m., it should still be fresh. It is very difficult to chew and doesn't taste very good. The saleswoman was very abrupt and slightly unfriendly, even though I was the only customer. I would buy at most one sandwich if I was starving. Otherwise not really recommended. Too expensive for poor quality. Whenever I go to a bakery, I expect more and am usually happy about it.

  • Axana Liberate

    Axana Liberate


    In this branch the cappuccino is only available with cow's milk, but the staff is very friendly and accommodating.

  • Heidemarie Riemer

    Heidemarie Riemer


    I really like the LUKAS baker. I like it too.'s all pretty expensive! That's why we only go shopping twice a month, which is completely different than before. I buy baked goods from the day before, which are significantly cheaper. When brought back to life in the microwave, a piece of cake from the day before is just as valuable as fresh from the oven. But it only costs half! The only thing I don't like is the "particles". The quality is not that great, often dry and I would also avoid these as a special offer for stale baked goods. We had breakfast there on Sunday morning after a night shift, so it wasn't that great because, as I said, these particles come across as a bit shabby. Dry, stale. It takes a lot of coffee, but it tastes good. Once from the thermos flask...or from the professional machine. It's the price that matters. Nevertheless, thanks to the sales crew. It's nice to know that you can go out for breakfast early on a Sunday, where the rolls are beautifully prepared and everything is delicious.

  • Claudia



    Sometimes I can't avoid going to this bakery, but the staff is always unfriendly and even arrogant. The prices are just as high as those of other bakers, but the products don't suit my taste. I'd rather go to another bakery a few streets away.

  • Frieder L.

    Frieder L.


    I bought a coffee and noticed at the first sip that it was disgusting. I'm not a fussy coffee lover, but it just tasted like soapy water. The saleswoman was unreasonable and unwilling to compromise. It was my first and last visit to the store.

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