Lindner Hotel & Residence Main Plaza i Frankfurt am Main

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLindner Hotel & Residence Main Plaza



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1, Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz, 60594, Frankfurt am Main, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 69 664010
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Latitude: 50.1062459, Longitude: 8.6955688

kommentar 5

  • en

    vezi maisus


    Enjoyable clean place. A bit expensive, but worth it.If available then don't hesitate to book it.

  • en

    Caglar Kazanci


    It's a great place right next to the river Main. Very central. I liked the apartment-like room with great bathroom, generous space and superb view. The staff was very nice, they helped me and explained the city. If I will visit Frankfurt again, that's the place to be :-)

  • en

    mirjana draksler


    Room was confort and big, but should be renovated quickly. The smell in room was - you know “old” - comes from floor carpet and furniture. The staff were very professional and nice. In the hotel is restaurant really good!!! Much better I expected. !!!

  • Marat Lis

    Marat Lis


    I ordered two nights; unfortunately first site did not have the availability, so I used another site for second night. Both rooms were clearly showing separate sofas on the pictures. For almost $400 you could expect them to be true representation. They were not. While room is indeed big and updated, great view and nice breakfast, the above mentioned fact ruined the experience. Also for such a large complex of apartments (that what it looks like rather then hotel with a lobby) it is surprising that check in is so strict on timing. (Maybe it happens due to Messe) No room setup for the second night, again for $400/night it's really substandard. Location is convenient, price is a bit too steep.

  • en

    Michael Zeoli


    I have stayed at the Lindner in Frankfurter while attending the Frankfurt Book Fair for 5 years now. The location beside the Main is attractive and convenient to the S-Bahn. The rooms are very nice. Staff are always helpful, courteous, and friendly. Breakfast is very good - which is important when traveling for business. My only complaint was the quality of food for dinner. The New Brick was once very reliable. I did not enjoy meals beyond breakfast this trip - fortunately, there are several excellent restaurants close by the hotel.

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