Leiser Universal i Schönebeck (Elbe)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLeiser Universal


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15, Salzer Straße, 39218, Schönebeck (Elbe), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3928 42635
internet side: www.leiser.de
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Latitude: 52.0180288, Longitude: 11.7363312

kommentar 1

  • Jennifer Huppertz

    Jennifer Huppertz


    We can not recommend the shoe shop. In December 2018 my husband bought some winter shoes from Rieker. They broke down after a few months. When we approached this in the business (early May 2019) we did not want to be helped. The shoes were just worn - yes, but not even 6 months! It broke splices and that can not come through wearing. The saleswoman was very rude at the time and told us that in this business you just do not refund if the shoes are worn. Also, when I made them aware that it is a quality defect, which is to be answered by the manufacturer. Your reaction: Then the business would be left at the expense. Great, that's how I stay as a customer. Quote from the saleswoman "We are not here with Deichmann." A "great" company philosophy.

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