Landhaus Preuß, Inh.: Dirk Preuß i Hattingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLandhaus Preuß, Inh.: Dirk Preuß



🕗 åbningstider

29, Am Stuten, 45529, Hattingen, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2324 59800
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3581296, Longitude: 7.1959442

kommentar 5

  • Römtöm Töm

    Römtöm Töm



  • Svetlana Tanchyk

    Svetlana Tanchyk


    Great location but very very slow service. We had to wait for our salads for 90 min! Also, the place is a bit overpriced and you can pay by card only if the bill is 20+ euros 😒

  • Annette Parco

    Annette Parco



  • Christine



    Excellent food and service!

  • Jan Pešek

    Jan Pešek


    Hotel is at a really nice and quite place, but the equipment of the rooms is really old. I had room in a first floor and when someone came to that floor through the glass door I heard a loud crack, that was made by the wooden door of my room. I had to use a handkerchief that I stuffen between the door and door frame. There is a wifi, but you shouldn't use it, because it is extremly slow. I didn't even manage to connect to it with my W10 laptop, I did it only with my Android phone. There is no mobile signal as well, so practically no internet at all. There are 2 large parking lots in front of the hotel, so no problem with parking. You get a normal breackfast with nothing special to it. They don't have a coffee machine, so when you whant a coffee, you need to drink a germany filter coffee, what doesn't taste at all. There is supposed to be a really good restaurant, but I didn't try it. There were a lot of people inside, so I suppose, that cook well.

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