Landgericht Berlin - Department Littenstraße i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLandgericht Berlin - Department Littenstraße



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12-17, Littenstraße, 10179, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 90230
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5181248, Longitude: 13.4131439

kommentar 5

  • Dirk Lohse

    Dirk Lohse


    Imposing building for all civil proceedings at the regional court level in Berlin.

  • Dirk Nozulak

    Dirk Nozulak


    Beautiful entrance hall!

  • Matze



    My experience with the jurisprudence in our country. I bought a so-called "world car" 3 years ago. A Golf7. The credo "World Car" stands at VW for "masterly tested", "Certified", "100 points inspection" and so on. Unfortunately I had no luck with the vehicle. After 13 Werkstattaufendhalten 34 days without a car and no replacement car and 4000 € co-payments despite warranty and good will I have sued the dealership on my legal expenses insurance. After many back and forth and various date shifts, I got my verdict today 2 years later after the start of the proceedings. Short and sweet. "The action is dismissed" and "The claimant must bear the costs of the dispute". I am appalled by this verdict. My lawyer advised me not to appeal because of the chances of success. That was the first and last time that I went to court, because with this judgment I lost faith in our constitutional state. Incidentally, even the customer service of VW advised me in this history of defects (2 transmission damage, 3 times water in the car, turbocharger defective, high oil consumption unfortunately state of the art, u. V. M.) to go to court. The dealership has also denied to the last that the car is a world car. Despite certificate, photo at delivery, Weltautoverkäufer ..... but that did not interest the court. Conclusion: Expenses for appraiser, lawyer and court over 6000 € for my legal expenses insurance. Costs for me to co-payments for various repairs € 3992.43 and 34 days no car. And that in the short time of 2 years Thank you Mr. Hinze for the decision in favor of the dealership and against the victim. P.S. According to the media, one can buy good reviews from dubious companies. Let's think about it in the whole 5 star reviews without text.

  • 행복나무 Glücksbaum

    행복나무 Glücksbaum


    Where you go to get paper notarization. It's a paid parking space, so I bought a parking ticket for 2 hours and 2 euros, but it only took 20 minutes. ... Here in Germany, as fast as Korea started.

  • Julia Schmidt

    Julia Schmidt


    In this court you do not need to hope for a proper process. If someone believes that justice is being used in court, they learn how to work in courts that do not want to deal with facts. NaturNatü is also mentioned at the decision that further appeals are unnecessary. A bunch of crows in front of my febster ...

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