La Cure Gourmande i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLa Cure Gourmande



🕗 åbningstider

6, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 171 6219944
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Latitude: 52.5203786, Longitude: 13.4110766

kommentar 5

  • Aleksandar Iliev Tsvetkov

    Aleksandar Iliev Tsvetkov


    Wide choice of biscuits, beautiful boxes and friendly staff. Very good for gifts or for some special occasions.

  • Adam Gill

    Adam Gill


    Tasty with friendly, helpful staff. Little pricey though

  • Bartosz Baranowski

    Bartosz Baranowski


    Very nicely decorated shop. Beautifully packed sweets are eye catching. Service very nice and helpful. Sweets are quite expensive. They are good but their price is exaggerated.

  • Walter Vannini

    Walter Vannini


    We adored La Cure Gourmande in Paris and were very happy to find it again in Berlin. They make excellent salted caramels and hand-made lollipops that our kid adores. Their nice tin boxes, decorated in 19th century style are perfect for souvenirs.

  • Myriam Jessier

    Myriam Jessier


    Love the lollipops. Go for cotton candy. 12 for 10€. Seriously. Go for the cotton candy ones. I am so happy because I've lived in cities that all have one of these stores.

nærmeste Butik

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