Kreiskrankenhaus Grevenbroich - St. Elisabeth i Grevenbroich

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKreiskrankenhaus Grevenbroich - St. Elisabeth



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5, Von-Werth-Straße, 41515, Grevenbroich, Düsseldorf, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2181 6001
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Latitude: 51.090895, Longitude: 6.593513

kommentar 5

  • Katharina Schmidt

    Katharina Schmidt


    Wir waren jetzt innerhalb von 1, 1/2 Tagen zwei Mal in der Notaufnahme bzw in der Notfall Ambulanz. Das erstmal war ganz gut ziemlich freundlichen und man hat sich erstgenommen Gefühl das zweite mal mir wurde nicht zugehört mir kam es vor als sie mein Anliegen zu banale für den Arzt und ich musste drei Mal darauf hinweisen was ich überhaupt hätte da es immer falsch benannt wurde..

  • Heike Supanz

    Heike Supanz


    This hospital is the very last! Outrageous staff at the entrance! You drive from far away and are only informed when you arrive that everything will be closed from 6 p.m. I have never seen it in any hospital! A tone like in the military. As a visitor, you are treated like the very last thing. In all corridors a terrible smell, tiny rooms, everything very old and in need of an overhaul. Not to think of nice staff. The purest horror! Unfortunately, my mother has now been referred there for treatment. I can only urgently advise against this "institution" based on the pattern of history. One star is too many!

  • Nicole Heidemanns

    Nicole Heidemanns


    A very big thank you to the entire 1CD team, from the doctors to the cleaning staff. Have never had such loving care. You're doing a great job 🥰👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • Tatjana Aronskaya

    Tatjana Aronskaya


    When I was 30, I went to the hospital for the first time, with a minor operation. Because I had no experience with that, I was twice as afraid. But the doctors and nurses took great care of me. Very human, very nice and friendly, with a lot of understanding and support. And a lot of love for this job. I am very happy to have found out about this hospital on recommendation. One would like more from such doctors and nurses.

  • Fariborz Farid

    Fariborz Farid


    I went there a couple of times and I felt being in good hands. The sign system (Schilder System) inside the Hospital was at the beginning not really explicit, hence I had to learn my way through. The doctor whom I went to was a senior experienced respectful gentleman who surprised me positively with his knowledge. Best of luck

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