Kräuterhotel & Restaurant Heidejäger i Rotenburg (Wümme)

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TysklandKräuterhotel & Restaurant Heidejäger



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62, Rotenburger Straße, 27356, Rotenburg (Wümme), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 4268 93030
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Latitude: 53.176898, Longitude: 9.2911223

kommentar 5

  • Rosa Cabello

    Rosa Cabello


    We went for dinner on February 14th. We ordered pasta, but the main ingredient of the dish wasn't pasta, but cherry tomatoes. In total there were 15 tomatoes, branches included. A disaster.

  • Peter Neyndorff

    Peter Neyndorff


    Room was a bit old-fashioned and could do with an update. We enjoyed the food and the service was friendly. Dishes were brought to the table by a robot. Breakfast was plentiful and well prepared. Overall a pleasant stopover.

  • Catalin Soare

    Catalin Soare


    The furniture looks decent, despite the fact that it looks very bad in pictures. A lot of parking lots. 2 tesla charging stations. The breakfast is ok and it'sopen from 6:30 to 10:00. If you are by car and want to visit Bremen, it's perfect to stay overnight. The parking the free and downtown Bremen is just 30 minutes away.

  • Thøger Abildgaard

    Thøger Abildgaard


    Nice and cozy hotel. The atmosphere makes you feel welcomed. The rooms have plenty of space and are clean and quiet. The breakfast however is very standard, and not my favorite.

  • Jeroen Bergwerff

    Jeroen Bergwerff


    Used this hotel as a pitstop on our route to Denmark. Due to a big party our arrival went a bit strange and staff was very busy. We booked a room for three, but the third bed (sleeping couch) had not been prepped. After mentioning this, this was promptly corrected while we enjoyed a good dinner. During dinner, staff was also very busy and seemed to forget about us, because we had to ask for everything (drinks, dinner, dessert). Dinner was tasty though. Room was good and the next morning staff had more time and attention for us and the breakfast was really good to. Upon our arrival in Denmark we booked another room for the return trip, hoping to have another good stay, but with a slightly better experience, which would make this a four star review. Update 14-15 august: During our return trip everything went very well, staff took their time for us and we were well attended. As promised, this now qualifies a 4 star review. Good hotel with good food, both diner and breakfast.

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