Krankenhaus Köthen GmbH Abteilung für Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie i Köthen (Anhalt)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKrankenhaus Köthen GmbH Abteilung für Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie


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29, Hallesche Straße, 06366, Köthen (Anhalt), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3496 521274
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Latitude: 51.7467684, Longitude: 11.9711176

kommentar 1

  • Olaf Hilprecht

    Olaf Hilprecht


    Since around 3 a.m. I have been in the emergency room at the HELIOS Clinic because of crazy cramps in both legs and stomach area. The recording of a very stressed nurse was very spectacular. This lady was hard to beat when it came to unfriendliness. After about 20 minutes I was taken to a treatment room where I was given an infusion by a very competent nurse. When talking to this very friendly nurse, I had the feeling that I had a doctor in front of me thanks to his professional competence. As soon as I put the Flexüle on, I was able to convince myself of his professionalism. The pain infusion is taking effect and I've been in the emergency room for an hour and a half since arriving today, now almost pain-free again. Many thanks to the Helios Klinik Köthen emergency room and if the emergency room registration staff were friendlier, I would definitely rate this facility with five stars. I wish the friendly nurse all the best, and with a well-considered personality structure and further training, I anticipate that he will be able to become an excellent doctor in at least six to seven years if he starts studying medicine. Unfortunately, there are far too few of these personalities in the German healthcare system, so the HELIOS Clinic can feel very lucky to have such a great, friendly nurse, respect!! I wish the HELIOS Clinic continued success, you are on the right track, because as I could see you have a lot of very good and friendly specialist staff!!

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