KNAUS Campingpark Nürnberg i Nürnberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKNAUS Campingpark Nürnberg



🕗 åbningstider

56, Hans-Kalb-Straße, 90471, Nürnberg, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 911 9812717
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.4232085, Longitude: 11.121494

kommentar 5

  • British Boxer

    British Boxer


    Never been there but from reading the reviews it looks terrible

  • en

    Daniel Risquez


    Excellent camping: plenty of space, clean, correct restaurant (Schnitzels). Toilets are clean and there is music. This camping is better than the average camping.

  • HITB 2505

    HITB 2505


    It is really good camping will enjoy for sure the view of the forset and the lake it's really WOW. Morever the price is perfect specially when you have a tente.i let my stuffs there for 3 days and i went to another city, and the best part no one has even open my tente.i really like that( security)

  • John Moore

    John Moore


    Only just OK, it's pretty expensive (July 2017 €28.20 per night for one person + camper van), but as it's the only campground in Nurnburg I guess the prices reflect that. However with only four showers for men (can't comment on the ladies) that is really insufficient for the size of the site. Toilet facilities were good with paper, soap & dryer.

  • en

    Jonas Persson


    Nice camping. Good facilities. A little walk to public transportations.

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