Kämpf, Ebert und Partner GbR Kieferorthopädie i Bayreuth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKämpf, Ebert und Partner GbR Kieferorthopädie



🕗 åbningstider

10, Kreuz, 95445, Bayreuth, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 921 53111
internet side: www.kfo-kaempf.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.9452071, Longitude: 11.5647509

kommentar 5

  • TeXx0o



    A nice practice with very nice staff and doctors. Quick appointments and short waiting times. Just great :)

  • Andreas Berger

    Andreas Berger


    My sons are being treated here and in very good hands. There is nothing to complain about. The whole team and Dr. Kämpf is a master of his trade.

  • Julian Hochgesang

    Julian Hochgesang


    Very quick and competent help, extremely good long-term care. Highly recommended and again and again!

  • M. Stock

    M. Stock


    Highly recommended practice. The doctors work at the highest technical level and always professionally. All questions are answered comprehensively. Patient and doctor meet at eye level, which is not a matter of course. The assistants work quickly, precisely and competently. Everyone is very nice and courteous, which is also not a matter of course. Practice management is great, waiting times are minimal. I am very satisfied and can only recommend the practice to others.

  • Christine Spörer

    Christine Spörer


    I can recommend Dr Kämpf and Dr. Ebert can only be highly recommended. All treatments were carried out competently. The advice and explanations about the additional treatment (surgical interventions) were understandable and precise. Both children were completely satisfied, also with all the other employees. 👍👍

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