Kaffeehaus Schubart i Coburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKaffeehaus Schubart


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13-14, Markt, 96450, Coburg, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9561 860680
internet side: www.cafe-schubart.de
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Latitude: 50.2581711, Longitude: 10.9651724

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Unteutsch

    Thomas Unteutsch


    Nice coffee right on the market square. However, the opening times should be changed. 5.30 p.m. I don't give any more coffee… what a shame

  • Lena H

    Lena H


    Very unfriendly service! You either didn't feel like it or you missed your job. Will no longer shop there.

  • sandra barthelmes

    sandra barthelmes


    Super delicious cakes, etc. From spring to autumn you can sit outside overlooking the market square.

  • Joachim Anders

    Joachim Anders


    Small but very cozy coffee in the middle of the square. Very friendly service, although she was completely alone had everything under control. The coffee is fresh and very good in taste. The toilet can be reached via stairs and a longer corridor. This is not suitable for wheelchairs and people with disabilities.

  • Adelheid Hörnlein

    Adelheid Hörnlein


    A wonderful place to have some coffee, breakfast or a small meal: right on the market place in Coburg. Sitting in comfortable chairs (with some blanket in case you feel cool) you can admire all the colorful buildings which surround the market place and, in the days of the market, watch the busy people shopping from the temporary stands, often with organic food and/or nearby grown food. (something like a Farmer's Market). Well, the cappuccino is decent (for German standards, not at all for Italian!), the hot chocolate and the cakes are excellent. Give it a try! And if you go more for salty stuff: right across the market place there is a stand where the famous "Coburger Bratwürste" (grilled sausages) are sold.

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