Jet-Foto i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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89, Dircksenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2424446
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Latitude: 52.5175658, Longitude: 13.415574

kommentar 5




    I bought the Polaroid film there last Sat, pretty expensive, when i open the box, it was already ripped & open, i really needed on that day so..i put on my camera...well....i did not work...really upsetting about this, how they sell used film, which is pretty expensive...will posted on photo about. Never, ever trust this store. And never will be...!!!!

  • Dawid Piaskowski

    Dawid Piaskowski


    Amazing for having your film developed. They send photos on dropbox! -1 star because you can't pay with Mastercard or Visa :/

  • Slobodan Milanov

    Slobodan Milanov


    Very quick and professional. I'm satisfied

  • Leigh Underwood

    Leigh Underwood


    These guys were really great, complete opposite of what I expected after the bad reviews. I had a somewhat complicated digital photo print job, self-made passport size photos with non-standard DPI resolution, and not already in 10x15cm size although that was the assumed print size. The person who helped me underwood exactly what I was trying to do and very carefully set up the job so it would be printed correctly. It was done immediately for me (instead of the normal hour) and I was invited to use their straight-edge cutter to separate the photos. And it all cost under 2€. Very kind and attentive service, perfect results. I will be back!

  • en

    Scott Barnes


    Aside from all the positives of this photo lab. Like the quick turn around time they still seem to always stuff something up. Whether it be cutting off frames from the negatives or not saving the scans to the disk. I feel this service is not reflective of what it costs to go there. We are paying for a professional service and if Jet Foto cannot deliver a flawless service end to end without any mistakes I feel we as a customer are entitled to some assurance it will not happen again. My advice to your business. Up your game or people are going to be going somewhere else where a higher level of care is taken!

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