Jahrtausendturm i Magdeburg

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7, Tessenowstraße, 39114, Magdeburg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 391 5934263
internet side: www.jahrtausendturm-magdeburg.de
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Latitude: 52.1388085, Longitude: 11.6663566

kommentar 5

  • Avval Landage

    Avval Landage


    One of the peak point in Magdeburg, almost city view can see from here.

  • sumiethraa seenivasan

    sumiethraa seenivasan


    Good place to visit but google map doesn’t show correct way to enter it!! The entrance is too far from what google map shows!!! Shaped like an irregular cone, this edifice in the Elbauenpark was built for the new millennium and at 60 metres high is one of the tallest wooden buildings in the world. Inside, on five floors the Jahrtausendturm has an exhibition chronicling the development of science across 6,000 years of human history. With each new level you’ll jump forward in time, starting on the ground floor with Ancient Egyptian mathematics, and moving through Medieval medicine, Renaissance mechanics and alchemy and inventions like the telescope and printing press. The fourth floor shows all the discoveries of the Early Modern Age, like electricity, stellar parallax, radio, while the fifth is about science in the 21st century. At the top, after 243 steps or 450 metres on the exterior ramp there’s a scenic viewpoint.

  • Alex Tempowski

    Alex Tempowski


    Tried repeatedly to find parking to visit this place. Couldn't find it anywhere. Closest 2 car parks were a university staff only and then a Swimming Pool that I pulled into by mistake and who charged me 2 euro to get my car out again. We gave up in the end. Silly that such a large park and attraction had no sensible parking options. I gave up in the end and didn't go. The website says there are 4 car parks but gives no postcode or grid reference (and all the ones we found on site had locked gates) This was at 13:00 on a Wednesday.




    It's a wonderful wooden architecture with the inside showcasing the history of science and civilizations. A must visit place!

  • Adil Ahsan

    Adil Ahsan


    An excellent museum with exhibits taking you through more than 2000 years of human scientific and engineering developments... Beautiful architecture and design... Very friendly staff... They cover pre historic times (basement), Greek era ( ground floor), the middle Eastern era (1st floor), then the industrial revolution, modern era and finally, the possible future directions... They also had an excellent Lego based rendition of various civilizations at the time that I was visiting... And they have a children's play area as well...

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