Insider Tour Berlin i Berlin

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TysklandInsider Tour Berlin



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17, Reichstagufer, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 6923149
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.520857, Longitude: 13.3870738

kommentar 5

  • Michael McKeon

    Michael McKeon


    Loved the insider tour. The guide Martin gave a wonderful tour of east Berlin, with a detailed account of all the history of each stop. He was happy to answer questions, as well as adding in jokes and light-hearted banter throughout. Personally I feel having the right guide is crucial to enjoying a tour, and Martin was brilliant. The pace of the tour is nice and slow walking, so anyone could easily keep up. The break in the middle is welcome for a quick bite to eat.

  • Tami Elisha

    Tami Elisha


    A great tour to see the things you must see... and wonderful guidance

  • Varun Nair

    Varun Nair


    A really informative, interactive and fun tour to get you up and running when your arrive in Berlin. We took the inside walk tour with Nickolai, who was amazing and knowledgeable. Summarized the history of Berlin in 20 minutes and gave us interesting insights on the various historical events right from the medieval ages upto the cold war era. The only thing I missed is a stopover at a more prominent location for the Berlin Wall such as the East side gallery.

  • Dianne Summers

    Dianne Summers


    One of best walking tours ever thanks to Martin, best tour guide ever!! You'd think it would drag since it's 4 hours but he was so knowledgeable that it passed very quickly while hitting many important spots both well known and off the beaten path. Gave a really thorough perspective of Berlin history, not shying away from talking candidly about the worse parts and their context. Still able to keep the mood up and joke around with us though! I really felt that I had a complete picture of Berlin by the time the tour ended and would strongly recommend to other people interested in getting more than a surface-level understanding of Berlin. Martin also had lots of great recommendations for things to do in the city since he was a native Berliner—he even took us to a great local cafe during our break!

  • Tonie B

    Tonie B


    We did the tour with Nickolai, on which he covered a lot of locations in east and west Berlin. The way he tells the story, surrounded by such interesting locations and the events around them is fascinating! Sharing his personal experience through some of the latter moments in the cold war was also invaluable!

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