INNSiDE by Meliá Bremen i Bremen

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TysklandINNSiDE by Meliá Bremen



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6, Sternentor, 28237, Bremen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 421 24270
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.1135505, Longitude: 8.7448349

kommentar 5

  • Nina Katolina

    Nina Katolina


    Nice and helpful staff. Pet friendly) they also provide baby crib. Free mini bar with apple and orange juice and still and mineral water.

  • Matt



    All in all the hotel was ok. The price was average and the bed was comfortable. The location is perfect if your staying for a period of time, as there’s a food court right next to it. (See my Alex review) The only issue I had with the hotel was the check in time, ca 25 mins for 3 of us and the prices of the alcohol at the bar. 16€ for a standard Gin Tonic is a but on the steep side. What I can say though, is it has one of the best breakfasts I’ve had in a Hotel. If your in the location then it’s a good choice of accommodation.

  • Rebeca Su-Lin García M.

    Rebeca Su-Lin García M.


    It was good in general. I didn't like that the tiles in the shower were stained in between. The ventilation system was annoying or plain old and it was hot.

  • Lisa Melgaard Radov

    Lisa Melgaard Radov


    We had booked a family room for 4, but because of problems in their booking system it wasn’t available. But the staff were very nice and helpful! They gave us 2 rooms next to each other. Free breakfast, free parking and 4 free drinks. It wasn’t perfect! But they did all they could to make up for it! Thanks from a tired family driving home from the south 😅

  • Mona Pangestu

    Mona Pangestu


    Rooms are nice and clean. I choosed the river view room and it was worth it. Next door is big shopping centre so it gave an extra point to me 😉 only it closed every sunday

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