ibis Styles Bayreuth i Bayreuth

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tysklandibis Styles Bayreuth



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6, Bürgerreuther Straße, 95444, Bayreuth, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 921 800700
internet side: all.accor.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.9515903, Longitude: 11.5790967

kommentar 5

  • Manuel Dantas Vilaça

    Manuel Dantas Vilaça


    For this category of hotel you couldn’t ask for better. Really nice balance price/quality. Very clean and modern. Friendly staff.

  • Sulayman K. Sowe

    Sulayman K. Sowe


    Some hotels in Bayreuth responded to the Baverian Ministry COVID19 requirement by having COVID-19 test-kits available at their hotels stock so that when guest arriving late at night (e.g. 1am in the morning) they could be tested on arrival. This is more intuitive and better guest centric management approach than sending people to sleep outside in a city where they know no one! With all the years of experience, I expected Ibis Styles Bayreuth to be a little more creative.

  • philip mitchell

    philip mitchell


    Very clean nice people on reception.only one night there but very respectable.

  • Susanne Svensdotter

    Susanne Svensdotter


    Family room created by opening connecting doors. Nice room, although awkward position of opened connection doors. Good choice breakfast, where son fell in love with automatic pancakemaking machine. Pleasant ambiance and very nice staff. Hotel about 10min walk from historical town centre. View over train station, without noise.

  • j. stricker

    j. stricker


    its a great place and helped a lot.

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