Hotel Zur Post i Wettringen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Zur Post


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4, Kirchstraße, 48493, Wettringen, Münster, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 2557 93720
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Latitude: 52.2091369, Longitude: 7.3195958

kommentar 5

  • Mick Mepham

    Mick Mepham


    I only stayed in this fine hotel for 2 nights but was very happy with all aspects of it. The room was clean, large enough and quiet too. The breakfast was great, which meant that I could start the day well. The service was also excellent, friendly and helpful. I recommend this hotel to anyone. Thanks for a really good stay, Mick Mepham.

  • Phil Snyder

    Phil Snyder


    It was ok. The breakfast is pretty good. The beds were pretty nice. It was warm in the room, though, and they didn't have any fans. You would think a hotel that doesn't have a/c would at least have fans.

  • Filipe Abreu

    Filipe Abreu


    Very clean, comfortable and quiet, the staff also very friendly.

  • Sunset Rider

    Sunset Rider


    Wonderful people, clean room. I saw some smaller rooms but mine was very large and had a balcony towards the back as well. Remember that if you have a late arrival to call ahead. They will give you a door code so that you can get a room key. Since the front desk is not staffed 24/7 (why would it, you can make a phone call :-) its important to respect that they don't just wait all night for you. It was a great hotel to stay at for some work and to get ready for a friend's wedding as well, which was nearby. It was particularly nice that when I couldn't get my car the next day after the reception because the taxi's are kind of hard to find (no Uber or Lyft in Germany) that one of the employees was willing to give me a ride which I really appreciated. They didn't have to do that but knew that I was in a bind. Thanks for that!

  • Wendel Hayen

    Wendel Hayen


    Nice clean hotel. We were in one of the rooms in the newer part. Breakfast was small but all one needs. The ladies kept filling up all the way until the end of the service. Pillows were just very German: huge but very soft. No extra pillows in the room we were staying in.

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