Hotel Waldhorn i Böblingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Waldhorn


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1, Böblinger Straße, 71034, Böblingen, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7031 76720
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.6903762, Longitude: 8.952547

kommentar 5

  • duvid70



    We have a pleasant stay for 5 days in this charming hotel. very good and quite location, rooms are clean and spacious , very good breakfast and most of all ,excellent service by the owners.

  • Tomer Levi

    Tomer Levi


    Best hotel! The environment is so quite and calm. The owners took care of us all week long. They was so kind and fulfilled all off my wishes The rooms were clean and nice all the time. The breakfast was tasty and so fresh The hotel has bar and restaurant that open until 00:00 they have great beer and tasty food. I'll.come back there soon!!!

  • Jessica Shoemaker

    Jessica Shoemaker


    The food from Hotel Waldhorn is excellent. The service is professional and friendly, and their online ordering options are well designed and efficient. In these Covid times, it was a great experience ordering online through their modern website and then receiving text and email updates when the food was ready for pickup. The owner and staff speak English, but they do not accept credit cards (only German Bank EC Card and Euro Cash). I would highly recommend ordering take away from Hotel Waldhorn if you like traditional Schwäbisch food made with care.

  • navakanth durga

    navakanth durga


    Hotel was very clean and staff was very friendly. Need some improvements in break fast. Chromecast cannot be connected to TV as restrictions are enabled for WiFi. No kettle to have hot water.

  • Ian Bromehead

    Ian Bromehead


    Good eve dinner, great breakfast v comfortable and quiet. Excellent value for money

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