Hotel Stadt Genthin i Genthin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Stadt Genthin



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3, Mühlenstraße, 39307, Genthin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3933 90090
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.4064212, Longitude: 12.1545079

kommentar 5

  • Bert Oak

    Bert Oak


    Very nice service, clean rooms and the most important is that there are fruits and vegetables for breakfast.

  • Steven Urquhart

    Steven Urquhart


    Fantasic service cleanliness high standard

  • Chrysa Papakirgiaki

    Chrysa Papakirgiaki


    It felt like we were in our home after a while!super yummy breakfast and the restaurant has some nice choices too. They have "kids corner" and kids menu also. The rooms were spacious and very clean.The only thing we didnt like was that there wasn't air condition and it was really hot but the staff gave us a fan. Also there was a big spider net outside our window and we called the cleaning lady to take care of it. Very nice people there, cozy atmosphere!

  • G Wilson

    G Wilson


    The hotel was welcoming and clean. I wasn't well here and they even checked up on me and called the ambulance. Furthermore the receptionist delivered my bag's to the hospital where I stayed for two nights. I took of the final star as "rules are rules" and my bag got charged for the first night I was in hospital. This night happened to be billed at a higher rate than the night I stayed which I felt was a little mean considering I that I don't believe the hotel was full.

  • Paul Zak

    Paul Zak


    Seems fine. Staff is pleasant and accommodating. Menu is entirely in German so I gave some guidelines and a very nice piece of fish appeared with vegetables and potato's. The bed made me laugh. One bed for one person, no more. This a Bette and bike establishment so they are taking good care of my bicycle.

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