Hotel Rose i Bietigheim-Bissingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Rose



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14, Kronenbergstraße, 74321, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7142 42004
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.9608777, Longitude: 9.1291715

kommentar 5

  • Mark White-Sharman

    Mark White-Sharman


    The restaurant and bar are lovely, nice breakfast, with friendly helpful staff. Unfortunately the bedrooms are poor, out dated and basic. Great location at the bottom of the old high Street. Parking for 5 cars only, main carpark is a 5 minute walk. Good hotel for a business trip.

  • Reineke Manfred

    Reineke Manfred


    Top Service.

  • Artyomska



    I liked the place. The location is near the city center, the hotel is cozy and the breakfast was tasty (I liked the fact that a honeycomb was present). The rooms aren't big but they were clean and looked nice. Would stay again in here.

  • David kostka

    David kostka


    Its location is amazing. Rooms are clean, looks like things are starting to be updated by reading some of these older reviews. I was here in July and no a/c or ceiling fan in room. 33c. Hard to get air moving inside. Breakfast was great by comparison to US standard. I'd stay again.

  • Eric Hiss

    Eric Hiss


    Beds are comfortable and the hotel is well situated, however nearly everything is a bit awkward. They give some free water but in a bottle but left no bottle opener in the room. They have a mini bar, but expect you to leave a form for what you want at the lobby - sorry but the idea of the mini bar is convenience... If I have to go down to leave my request and then wait for them to bring it I might as well go out. The maid didn't clean/change glasses or towels, the room is tiny and awkwardly laid out. I almost never watch TV except the world cup was playing and I wanted to watch but they put the TV in a corner down low on the table where the water and tea service sits so you have to move all that stuff to the bathroom to watch. The art work in the room is literally the most ghastly I've ever seen. The lobby is literally filled with pictures of the owners, a whole wall of them. They printed and framed the same picture several times. They must really like themselves since you get to see the same picture of them in the room too. Didn't try the breakfast so can't comment on that. They have what I thought was coffee set but it was tea only. My impression is that a couple young people with no previous experience started this hotel and don't even know what they don't know about the business. They could benefit from consulting some person with more experience in hospitality to help iron out should the wrinkles. Meanwhile I can't recommend this hotel.

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