Hotel Riviera Ludwigsburg i Ludwigsburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Riviera Ludwigsburg


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43, Solitudestraße, 71638, Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7141 906500
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Latitude: 48.8909035, Longitude: 9.1888782

kommentar 5

  • Sailendra Kumar Sethi

    Sailendra Kumar Sethi


    Love it. Nice n cosy. Less Staff but very well Service and we'll maintained. Myself stayed many time. Just 3minute walk to Busstop and Railway Station. In house bar n restaurants available. Available Pizza here is good enough for your taste buds. Best Breakfast available. Near by many restaurants n Keebap centers available. Shopping centers and city center in walkable distances. Must stay place in Ludwigsburg in competitive price. Alles gute 🤘✌🏅

  • Andreas Meyer

    Andreas Meyer


    Best services !!!

  • Másikfiókom Márvanegy

    Másikfiókom Márvanegy


    Went to this hotel, because I had no other options left, all other hotels were fully booked. The night receptionist of the hotel is also the cleaning lady, who doesn't speak German nor English. The cleanliness if the place is terrible, there is dust everywhere and the bathroom smelled weird. At one point I am pretty sure I saw a rat down in the dining area. The style of the furnitures and the decoration is eclectic to say the least, looks like a fake medieval inn. Wifi is weak, youtube rarely runs with it. The breakfast was okayish, tough.

  • Asgeir Hoff

    Asgeir Hoff


    Nice personal, good breakfast 👍😎

  • Iosif Hamlatzis

    Iosif Hamlatzis


    Don't visit if you don't speak German. No Internet connection in the room

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