Hotel NH Frankfurt Airport i Kelsterbach

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel NH Frankfurt Airport



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113, Mörfelder Straße, 65451, Kelsterbach, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6107 9380
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.0498246, Longitude: 8.5452969

kommentar 5

  • en

    R Ch


    Rooms and restaurant were great. Shuttle service to and from airport a great convenience. Easy to get downtown by taking shuttle to airport and hopping on a train or bus. Not much to do around hotel as it is in an industrial park and no retail or grocery stores around.

  • Dan Charwath

    Dan Charwath


    Friendly staff, good food and drinks and reasonable prices. A great over night hotel super close to the airport. Nothing else around it though (shops, restaurants etc.).

  • en

    Otap Marcoschua


    The room was very clean and bed was comfortable. The service was very good and staff were friendly. My husband and I love the food in their restaurant as we had dinner there on our last night. The only reason I am giving it a 4 star is because of the location which is in an industrial area. If those were only convenient stores or restaurants around the hotel, it would have been perfect. On the other hand, there was a hotel shuttle to take you to the airport where you can hop on a train to the city.

  • Ashish Anthony

    Ashish Anthony


    Fantastic hotel the Ambience is really good the breakfast was really amazing the also have a dispensing machine in the reception are you can buy snacks, water, beverages and beer too the shuttle bus service is very frequent and bang on time....I become a member too

  • en

    Charlene Bounds


    This hotel was clean and had food service. The front desk staff were very helpful, and they let me do a late check out without an extra charge. There were mini products in the bathroom, which this hotel was the only one out of all 3 hotels that I stayed at in Frankfurt that had them. The halls were quiet, and the room was large. The shower also had a bathtub, which was nice with a glass of wine. I ate at the restaurant downstairs, and it was good. The price was fair, and my server was friendly. I would stay here again.

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