Hotel Meiners i Hatten

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Meiners



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17, Dorfstraße, 26209, Hatten, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 4481 92700
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Latitude: 53.0493947, Longitude: 8.2971613

kommentar 5

  • Paul Ganem

    Paul Ganem


    Very nice. Good food. Good service.

  • Pamela McMahon

    Pamela McMahon


    Really enjoyed our weekend stay at Hotel Meiners. The staff were really friendly, and loved the burgers in the beergarden. The hotel is clean and modern. Highly recommended. Vielen Dank!

  • Rikke Riis

    Rikke Riis


    We stayed here for a week and got the best service ever. The staff are the most glad and welcomming people from morning to late. We was 10 people working on the World Championship in handball and often got home late, and they always opened the bar for us or put some beers in our fridge. The rooms was very clean and beds was very good. I would recommend it to everyone!!!

  • Igor Werner

    Igor Werner


    The rooms are clean, the location is quite the quality of tge rooms is good. The real downside is the service. They are not customer oriented. If you dare to take a table in the breakfast room that does not have been prepared... Omg

  • Klaus Brümann

    Klaus Brümann


    Delicious dinner, have not had such soft salmon in a long time. Service was on point. Desserts weren't great, tasted as if they were frozen. Prices were a little on the expensive side, but justifiable for a 3-star Hotel. Generally quite a nice atmosphere in the restaurant. Location quite remote. All in all somewhere between 4 and 4.5 stars from me.

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