Hotel Haberkamp i Achim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Haberkamp



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1, Uphusener Dorfstraße, 28832, Achim, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 4202 96460
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.02846, Longitude: 8.97098

kommentar 5

  • SG Automobile

    SG Automobile


    Great hotel. Perfect rooms, friendly stuff etc.

  • Christian Wilbers

    Christian Wilbers


    Nice, bright restaurant with attentive staff and very nice food.

  • M.Sameh Ismail

    M.Sameh Ismail


    Convenient hotel and good prices. Room is clean and a friendly staff. well done

  • Kevin O'Connor

    Kevin O'Connor


    4th time we have stayed. Excellent location just off motorway. The cleanest hotel ever. Beds are very comfortable. Lost little on communication as tried to book the restaurant in advance but was told it was not open only to find it was when we arrived. Also they said breakfast was from 8am. When I went to pack the car at 7.45am 2 tables were already full which meant we could have been on the road earlier and avoided the time pressure of trying to meet the ferry. All said we will stay again. Indeed weve already booked.

  • Szymon Foltyn

    Szymon Foltyn


    comfortable hotel. Rooms are clean and quite with comfortable beds. Full speed wi-fi. Good restaurant and breakfast. Very helpful and friendly staff in restaurant and bar

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