Hotel-Gasthaus Zur Linde i Kirchlinteln

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TysklandHotel-Gasthaus Zur Linde



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33, Neddener Dorfstraße, 27308, Kirchlinteln, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 4238 94290
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Latitude: 52.8875123, Longitude: 9.3648751

kommentar 5

  • Amanda Dryer

    Amanda Dryer


    Had a little difficulty checking in since I do not speak German and I checked in on the day they were closed - so finding my key to my room was a tad bit challenging but the service of just overall niceness of everyone there more than made up for it! Being from the US the room and bed was smaller than I had expected but I would 100% go back in a heartbeat! The food was amazing and the town where Zur Linde is located looks like something out of a fairytale and is so stinking cute!!!

  • Christopher Cooper

    Christopher Cooper


    When we arrived in Neddenaverbergen at the hotel there was loud applause!! Not for us but for the Grünkohl König! But this applause exemplified perfectly the excellent atmosphere. The room was splendid, excellently appointed and scrupulously clean. Breakfasts were of very high quality and the evening Menüs were very well prepared. Be aware that the restaurant is closed on Wednesdays (Ruhetag). The cost of the stay offered good value for money. The Gasthaus is situated approx 7 kilometers outside Verden but there are easy road connections to nearby towns and villages. This was our second stay at Gasthaus zur Linde and as the weather was chilly we did not bring our bikes. But on the previous occasion we did and there are superb cycling possibilities on safe paths and roads. I recommend without reservations this excellent village hotel and recommend that you book early to secure a room.

  • Chandra Mohan Saini

    Chandra Mohan Saini


    Peaceful environment. Very good behavior of staff. Clean rooms and other areas. Breakfast served so nice. Recommended to visit.

  • Tassos Nikoleris

    Tassos Nikoleris


    A very nice hotel with big rooms, great breakfast and free parking. Choose room 5 or 6, they share a big terrasse.

  • Paulo Loureiro

    Paulo Loureiro


    Good place, good breakfast, very quiet place! Nice room. The internet for laptop is not working good!

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