Hotel Busche am Dom i Münster

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Busche am Dom


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10, Bogenstraße, 48143, Münster, Münster, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 251 46444
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Latitude: 51.9639163, Longitude: 7.6264081

kommentar 5

  • Tobias Schuster

    Tobias Schuster


    Freundliches und sehr ruhiges Hotel im Herzen von Münster. Man lebt wirklich im Herzen der Stadt und sowohl das PErsonal, als auch der Chef sind sehr sehr freundlich! Eine absolute Empfehlung von mir!

  • Sandy L

    Sandy L


    Sehr schönes, großes Zimmer, Sauberkeit in Ordnung, leider keine Allergikerkopfkissen. Sehr gutes Frühstück. Gemütliches Hotel, nicht barrierefrei. Liegt wunderschön mitten in der Stadt. Kein eigener Parkplatz.

  • Bene Hojenski

    Bene Hojenski


    Super service

  • Aubrey Backscheider

    Aubrey Backscheider


    Right in the city center. Stairs at entrance might be hard for elderly.

  • en

    A Google User


    Great choice! We travelled from Trier to Hamburg recently and were loking for a nice place to stop over with a 9 month old baby. We elected to book a room in this hotel because of its central location and price. The different members of staff we dealt with throughout our stay were all very friendly and arranging. We loved the style of this hotel with beautiful old furniture, and impeccable interiors. Though the room overlooked a buzy street, the noise disturbance was minimal. The complementary breakfast was good. The room itself was fantastic with many windows, ample space and great beds. The only downside is that we had to pay 12 euro for parking our rental car 200 meters away overnight as the hotel does not have reserved car spaces. The walk in the old city centre was a delight, strolling past very nice shops and hundreds of students on bicycles. We had a lovely dinner al fresco on the little piazza opposite the hotel. Definitely an experience to recommend!

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