Hotel am Tierpark Gotha i Gotha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel am Tierpark Gotha


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2b, Ohrdrufer Straße, 99867, Gotha, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3621 7170
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Latitude: 50.9357761, Longitude: 10.7154003

kommentar 5

  • boj lenc

    boj lenc


    Nice hotel, small rooms but it has everything you need. It is clean. The price is a bit high for the size of the rooms. Breakfast is good and you have plenty of options. The restaurant has really tasty food for lunch and dinner. Just a restaurant can be a reason to visit the hotel. I would stay here again.

  • Andjelo Vujicic

    Andjelo Vujicic


    They have really nice staff, very helpful too. But their rooms are a bit 'old' and are due for renovation.

  • Gi no

    Gi no


    Decent room, the place is quite, it have new smart tv, just one minus for me it the room service. The trash in my room and bathroom was not taken, towel not changed, only the bed cleaned a bit, and new bathroom mats. I have never ever see room service this bad in any hotel in my life.

  • T S

    T S


    We held a function at this hotel with about 35 participants and I must share this wonderful experience. Great service, punctual, friendly and forthcoming. The decorations and catering was fantastic! For small to medium sized events this place can only be recommended.

  • Penny Anderson

    Penny Anderson


    What a nice quality hotel. We were greeted warmly at the front desk. Our rooms were super clean and the mattress was very comfortable. The morning coffee and breakfast options were a nice selection. I would absolutely stay here again on my next visit.

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