Holiday Inn Express Augsburg i Augsburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHoliday Inn Express Augsburg



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77, Nagahama-Allee, 86153, Augsburg, Schwaben, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 821 780890
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.3651979, Longitude: 10.9110798

kommentar 5

  • Alexandre Pelletier

    Alexandre Pelletier


    Superb hotel near the town center in Augsburg. The decor is modern and the staff is very professional. They have a nice reception areas near the entrance where you can purchase and enjoy local beers. The reason we went to this particular hotel is because they have breakfast included. Their breakfast bar is outstanding, and no one can complain about their coffee machine, as the coffee is fantastic every time. There are no laundry machine that you can use on site, but the hotel offers a laundry service for a steep fee.

  • Susi Shifflette

    Susi Shifflette


    Cozy room. Great breakfast. Need to add dinner.

  • Terrance Chenard

    Terrance Chenard


    Great hotel, breakfast included and comfortable clean rooms. Close to town and fantastic restaurants.

  • en

    Christian Herzyk


    Rooms are well sized for the category and we'll cleaned. Same is true for the bathrooms. Love the pillows. Breakfast selection was all right for the category. The things I had was tasty. Service at the reception desk was quick very friendly.

  • en

    Daniel Goodman


    OK, but not great location and poor breakfast. Better to stay in the centre or town if you can afford it.

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