Herr Dr. Peter Kessler i Nidderau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHerr Dr. Peter Kessler



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8, Leopold-Wertheimer-Straße, 61130, Nidderau, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6187 900690
internet side: www.zahnzentrum-nidderau.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.2310361, Longitude: 8.8689083

kommentar 5

  • Michael Haug

    Michael Haug


    Great dentist with a great team and practice, 100% recommended!

  • Wolfgang Dömling

    Wolfgang Dömling


    Dr. Kessler is absolutely professional and experienced, always in a good mood and has everything under control! Today's teeth cleaning with Christina went really well and pleasantly!

  • Peter Ruppert

    Peter Ruppert


    Great dentist with great expertise The implants with bone structure were great, everything was done in the practice, the operation and the laboratory work all from a single source. the explanation was great The entire team in the practice is competent and friendly Appointments are kept and there are no long waiting times. Price performance great I can only recommend

  • Karina Stoilov-Jäger

    Karina Stoilov-Jäger


    Great practice with a friendly and competent team. We feel very comfortable there. We have never had long waiting times and have always been able to get an appointment at short notice. No matter what questions and “problems” you have, you will be taken seriously there and work will be solution-oriented. Keep it up!!!

  • Stephan Kähler

    Stephan Kähler


    Overall, I was very satisfied with the practice. The treatment was carried out by Dr. Kessler carried out and since the first day I have been an anxious patient. Nowadays I enjoy going to the dentist. I never sat in the dentist's chair for longer than 20 minutes and never left the office in pain. I had an implant treatment and today I can eat whatever I want. I don't have any problems and I don't notice the implants either. The fake teeth feel like your own, so I come to the conclusion: Treatment was excellent, friendly and painless The experience of Dr. Kessler is simply remarkable The entire team is friendly, nice and always courteous. Overall, I will recommend this practice to any of my friends. A visit here is worth it

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