HELLWEG - Die Profi-Baumärkte Aschersleben i Aschersleben

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHELLWEG - Die Profi-Baumärkte Aschersleben



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19C, Güstener Straße, 06449, Aschersleben, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3473 92730
internet side: www.hellweg.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.7671002, Longitude: 11.4839801

kommentar 5

  • Diana Kersten

    Diana Kersten


    Great hygiene concept. Nice and helpful staff. Everything a man needs.

  • Holger Focke

    Holger Focke


    My wife has a hair salon in Aschersleben. For renovation work we were forced to go to this Hellweg hardware store. With my wife's business registration and a power of attorney for myself, I was denied shopping. Since I work in Magdeburg, I have often shopped at Obi, Horbach in this way, but here it doesn't work. Why not??? Very sad for Aschersleben and Hellwig

  • BASS Yven

    BASS Yven


    Today on Christmas Eve in the Corona time made the impossible possible ... 2 MDF boards cut to size ... Hammer 👍🏻 But I also have to admit that the service depends very much on the department ... I think cutting and construction are great ... I haven't had such great experiences with sanitary and gardening ... on the one hand, the technical competence and the Knowledge for your own range concerns Still Hellweg again and again, you hardly have any other choice😇

  • Aldi



    Staff always very friendly and helpful. Lately had a question and I was really helped. Unfortunately, this is not always the case in hardware stores. Hence 5 stars.

  • CyberPunki 1970

    CyberPunki 1970


    So I can't complain, I got what I wanted, it looked clean and tidy and the staff was extremely friendly to me! So there are also 5 stars!

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