Helios Klinik Jerichower Land in Burg i Burg (bei Magdeburg)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHelios Klinik Jerichower Land in Burg



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55a, August-Bebel-Straße, 39288, Burg (bei Magdeburg), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3921 960
internet side: www.helios-gesundheit.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.2650075, Longitude: 11.8325024

kommentar 5

  • Linda



    I would like to report on my experiences. It was planned that I would go to the Heliosklinik Burg for a catheter examination with subsequent ablation. With detailed advice and preliminary discussions with senior physician Marina Wichmann and senior physician Sebastian Vasilescu, everything was explained to me in detail, so that I felt really well looked after right from the start. In the course of the catheter examination, I was informed of all examination steps so that I was constantly informed about the current status. In this way, I was able to relieve my fear during the entire stay and during the treatments. I would like to thank the entire cardiology team for their friendly support. Susanne Walluscheck from Magdeburg

  • Oliver Pölkner

    Oliver Pölkner


    Every previous treatment no matter in which area unsuccessful or completely screwed up, the only thing that deserves 2 stars here is the nursing staff!

  • KF



    I would like to thank all the staff on C3, all the nurses, doctors and everyone I met in the hospital were very friendly and nice. Even if I only had to stay there for 2 days after an appendectomy, I was in good hands felt. many thanks Heike E.

  • Annett Brandt

    Annett Brandt


    The clinic itself is well positioned in terms of corona - from the point of view of a simple patient. You have to ring the bell to enter, mask compulsory and disinfection when entering and generally staying in the clinic. Disinfectants are everywhere. The staff is very careful that the hygiene regulations are adhered to. Doctors, nurses, nurses and all other colleagues are very competent, nice and helpful. The cleaning of the rooms and especially the bathrooms should definitely be given more attention. Basically - despite the circumstances of being in the hospital - a very pleasant stay. You feel very well cared for here.

  • Maciej L

    Maciej L


    I came here straight from a traffic collision, the staff was nice and polite, the tests were carried out professionally.

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