HELIOS clinic Vogelsang Gommern i Gommern

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHELIOS clinic Vogelsang Gommern



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1, Sophie-v.-Boetticher-Straße, 39245, Gommern, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 39200 670
internet side: www.helios-gesundheit.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.0843234, Longitude: 11.7791935

kommentar 5

  • Simone Israel

    Simone Israel


    The clinic is by far the best I've been to. I was there for the second time for 5 days and was discharged yesterday, I felt welcome, understood and looked after from start to finish. I was on the R3 for the second time and can only say that the nurses and carers (Kevin;)) are super friendly and warm. From the first minute you feel comfortable and in good hands. Always a smile on your face. The doctors were also great, I didn't feel like a number, as so often before, but as a person whom you want to help. Thanks to Dr Beermann for the great treatment, for taking care of things, great explanations, taking your time! And of course to Dr. Polter for his calm way of explaining everything and the feeling of being taken seriously. No question was too much, always competent and an open ear. All in all, a great clinic, with even better staff, from the reception to the physiotherapy staff, the nurses, the cleaning staff, the staff who serve breakfast and dinner to the super doctors. The food was great too! I am glad that I am a patient there.

  • Alexander “Straider” Mamay

    Alexander “Straider” Mamay


    Very friendly staff. The feeling that you are at home is present during the entire stay. I recommend to everyone. You will not regret !!! 🌼🌼🌼

  • Martina Röhrich

    Martina Röhrich


    All thumbs up for this clinic 👍👍 I was in the pain clinic for 1 week. I felt good from the start. Super nice and worried nurses, the same goes for the therapists. Very friendly and competent doctors on the ward, who take a lot of time for the patients. The range of therapies is very diverse. I have seldom experienced the catering in a clinic so well. All around, from admission to discharge, really top. I can recommend it without reservation. Thank you so much!

  • Ulli Schwarzlose

    Ulli Schwarzlose


    Nice doctors, sweet nice nurses, all in all a very good clinic

  • Peggy Pfeiffer

    Peggy Pfeiffer


    Super great clinic, I was at the rheumatism station, everyone was super nice. Special praise to the sisters, everyone was always in a good mood and open-minded. Thank you very much for the great stay.

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