Heinze Bestattungen i Calbe (Saale)

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHeinze Bestattungen



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91, Arnstedtstraße, 39240, Calbe (Saale), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 39291 464695
internet side: www.heinze-bestattungen.de
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Latitude: 51.904235, Longitude: 11.7713

kommentar 5

  • Lirael Meier

    Lirael Meier


    We would like to thank the funeral home Heinze, who stood by us competently in the painful situation of loss with a lot of empathy and made the last part of the farewell a worthy end to a fulfilled life. We felt we were in very good hands and looked after, especially in this difficult time of the corona pandemic. We wish the entire team continued health and strength so that many other affected people can experience the same dignified care.

  • Thomas Müller

    Thomas Müller


    Many Thanks! We felt we were in very good hands. Very empathetic in all things. Gladly again.

  • Klaus-Peter Röder

    Klaus-Peter Röder


    The funeral home Heinze gave us very good advice and implemented everything we had told about the life of our deceased.

  • Ilka Kunzmann

    Ilka Kunzmann


    A funeral home with a lot of heart ♥ ️ The service is very, very good, formalities are taken care of where you don't have a head for it. Even when it comes to decisions, Ms. Heinze and her team are there to give you advice and assistance. I and my family would like to take this opportunity to thank you very ♥. Carry on like this 👍👍👍👍

  • Lutz Mühlberg

    Lutz Mühlberg


    We received good, friendly advice here. The organization of the funeral service, the funeral speech and the handling of the associated formalities were excellent. The photo album made is very beautiful. Ms. Heinze and her team were a great support for us in the difficult hours. I would also like to thank you very much on behalf of my relatives. Lutz Mühlberg

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