Haus Oveney Café Restaurant - Bochum i Bochum

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TysklandHaus Oveney Café Restaurant - Bochum



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65, Oveneystraße, 44797, Bochum, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 234 799888
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Latitude: 51.4211802, Longitude: 7.2547318

kommentar 5

  • Hazem Ismail

    Hazem Ismail


    Staff are very friendly, You can pay with card, Food is delicious especially the fries was very good tasty right crunchy 😋

  • Job van Ieperen

    Job van Ieperen


    Food was overpriced, the waiter was very rude and forced a tip, he just took it without asking. Would not recommend eating here..

  • Greg Bright

    Greg Bright


    A lovely traditional style eatery set in a very large park area with numerous walking, cycling and activity options. The food is also traditional with indoor or outdoor seating in a very attractive setting, with views of the lake. Parking is a short walk away.

  • Greg Bright

    Greg Bright


    A delightful setting and location for a light lunch on the terrace in the sun! The service was excellent and the food delicious. The only drawback to this location is that smoking is permitted in the outside eating area. Fortunately were finished and about to leave when a (presumably healthy living?) Cyclist arrived with his partner and quite selfishly lit up a cigarette. We left, but the couple sat downwind of him were visibly disturbed by the smoke billowing around them. The management should consider banning smoking in the eating area.

  • Stephen Sedgwick

    Stephen Sedgwick


    Great service and nice staff. The food was wonderful and reasonably priced. I have been here a couple of times and well recommend it.

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