H+ Hotel & SPA Friedrichroda i Friedrichroda

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TysklandH+ Hotel & SPA Friedrichroda


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1, Burchardtsweg, 99894, Friedrichroda, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3623 3520
internet side: www.h-hotels.com
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Latitude: 50.8603954, Longitude: 10.5624819

kommentar 5

  • Chris Thunderman

    Chris Thunderman


    Location is wonderful. You can go hiking and do a lot of activities outside. You have a spa and wellness at the hotel but it's very old fashioned and it's very noisy in the relaxing area. The rooms are old fashioned, too but it's ok for 2-3 nights. What I liked most is the fantastic breakfast and dinner buffet. Quality and the dinner ideas are very good, like "Thüringer Abend", etc.. I would recommend it only if you get a very good price otherwise it's expansive.

  • vipknv vipknv

    vipknv vipknv


    Went for a Spa day and have to say both my wife and I were really impressed. So many different places to relax, so many different saunas spa areas to try. We had a lovely diner too. Definitely recommend going. . Looking forward to going again

  • Martin Haglev

    Martin Haglev


    Overall terrible hotel experience. Very unpleasant staff, no parking and late breakfast. Room was ok. Was expecting more. Stay away

  • tony scott

    tony scott


    The hotel staff were excellent, very helpful and incredibly polite. The room we had was larger than others as we had a balcony, but it was one of the biggest rooms I had ever been in. Most hotels have a cook, judging by the meals served here, they have a Chef, a very very good one. The Gym has some decent equipment, but lacks some up to date nautilus equipment and has absolutely no free weights, so any upper body workouts are nearly impossible.

  • John Rowden

    John Rowden


    A clean and comfortable hotel with spacious rooms adequately equipped. Superb choice of food at breakfast. I would recommend this hotel to anyone wanting a relaxing break or in need of somewhere to stay if away on business.

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