H+ Hotel Bad Soden i Bad Soden am Taunus

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TysklandH+ Hotel Bad Soden


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88, Königsteiner Straße, 65812, Bad Soden am Taunus, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 6196 2000
internet side: www.h-hotels.com
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Latitude: 50.1469089, Longitude: 8.4999464

kommentar 5

  • Lucy McGwinn

    Lucy McGwinn


    I arrived on a Sunday evening at 8pm, and the restaurant was closed due to staff illness and no other restaurants in the town were open so I had to walk to the petrol station a mile away and buy crisps and chocolate for my evening meal. During my stay (in November) the restaurant appeared to be closed more than it was open, and room service wasn't available at all. There are no tea or coffee making facilities in the rooms. I tried to order breakfast delivered to my room, and left the card on my door to be collected overnight, but it never was so I had to gather my own breakfast and bring it to my room every morning. The rooms were clean, warm and spacious, with comfortable beds. The hotel seemed generally well maintained and modern inside. The reception staff were friendly. It was an ok stay, but I probably wouldn't return in a hurry due to the level of service.

  • Renato Brant

    Renato Brant


    I just had a very unpleasant experience at this hotel. My flight to London was canceled and Luftansa gave vouchers to several passengers to stay here, but when we arrived extremely exhausted, after hours of waiting at the airport, the receptionist informed us that we could not check in after 10pm. After waiting a considerable time watching the employee talk desperately on the phone in German, I decided to leave that group of about 20 people and look for another hotel, even if I had to pay. I found a hotel a 5-minute walk away that checked me in quickly and I'm already in bed, feeling sorry for those poor people who were left waiting.

  • Paul D

    Paul D


    Location perfect in a small, walkable town. Staffing at front desk is minimal at peak times and no self service that actually works. Lack of any AC in the rooms, the restaurant, the conference center, or anywhere in the building makes it all the more important to check the weather ahead of time.

  • Daniela Pasquariello

    Daniela Pasquariello


    Nice hotel, clean and 8min walking from main station. Room nice with a great balcony. Only think kettle missing in the room but hot water available in the hall and if you ask they bring to your room. Very kind staff

  • Ankit Malhotra

    Ankit Malhotra


    We (group of 7) stayed at this hotel during a business trip at this hotel in the week before Christmas for 10 days. Rooms were nice, with a TV, room heater, internet. Breakfast spread was nice as well and even had a gluten free bread available. The breakfast options were however about the same every day. In terms of staff we had a very mixed experience - With some very nice and helpful staff members to others pretty grumpy and rude bordering on racial bias. Not once did anyone bother to enquire from any of us if we were comfortable during our stay and it felt very transactional. Other things which they can improve on- 1- Check in process. After travelling for about 18 hours, we reached at 2 in the afternoon, to be told that the check in can only start at 3. We think the team could have done a little more to make the wait better. 2- TV with smart functionality or more English channels - The only English Channel on the TV was CNN. 3- Advance payment, on spot payment and Servers - We were told to make the payment of all nights we were staying as part of the check in itself. Laundry and meals had to be paid for on the spot and cannot be billed to room. We were told for about 10 days that because of problems with the servers, our invoices could not be processed and it was only in the last day that they were provided to us.

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