German post office i Lichtenstein/Sachsen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



🕗 åbningstider

4, Innere Zwickauer Straße, 09350, Lichtenstein/Sachsen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7565708, Longitude: 12.6309471

kommentar 5

  • Bastian Ott

    Bastian Ott


    Unfriendly service and hardly any customer-oriented work. Especially men who don't have as much hair on their heads would have to work on themselves. Shortly before 1 am I wanted to pick up a package, everything was already dark and they said: "already closed!" welcomed. When I asked to quickly pick up a package because I had to go to work, they said that everything was already over. I find it cheeky. If possible, I wouldn't come here again.

  • Grit Streubel

    Grit Streubel


    Great service, even in these more than stressful times.

  • Michael K

    Michael K


    A package that does not exceed the maximum dimensions will simply not be accepted. Then a discussion breaks out about where the package is up and down!!! In a bad mood or poorly paid, you don't know!

  • T S

    T S


    Experienced incredibly unfriendly employees today. I won't be entering the shop again anytime soon!

  • C. D.

    C. D.


    It's a shame that you can't give fewer stars! We have rarely experienced such an unfriendly postal worker! A very snippy demeanor! If you receive the following answer after a request (a transfer was made 8 days ago and it has not yet reached the recipient): “Then just transfer again!” Words fail me! Last but not least, does the good woman make fun of other customers!? I don't think that works at all in the service sector!!! My tip, as an HR professional in the service industry, to the manager of the post office: Send your employees to a “Customer Friendliness!” seminar. We will look for another post office!

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