German post office i Hartenstein

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



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5, August Bebel Straße, 08118, Hartenstein, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.6628489, Longitude: 12.6714048

kommentar 5

  • Natsomea



    Very friendly and competent employees. I always know where I'm going when I have to drop off mail. :)

  • Astrid Steffens

    Astrid Steffens


    Friendly staff, although I feel like it's artificial. I had postal stickers with numbers sent to me, but the employees say they can't be used abroad, which is not the truth, because a neighboring branch accepted it without any complications. It's a shame that you have to drive a few kilometers to find a competent and friendly postal worker from HEZEN.

  • Astrid Steffens

    Astrid Steffens


    Friendly STAFF (sometimes don't seem so genuine to me), but unfortunately you have big problems with mail abroad if you have attached a sticker that you can have sent to you via the post office. Apparently these do not apply abroad. Funny, I go to the neighboring town and drop off the same thing and it is done easily and without any problems.

  • Jacqueline Neblung

    Jacqueline Neblung


    Absolutely top. Helpful and super friendly! I can only recommend.

  • Martin B.

    Martin B.


    Very good service, quick processing of any concerns. Good tips for the best possible shipping methods for goods to be shipped.

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