German post office i Recklinghausen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



🕗 åbningstider

109, Dortmunder Straße, 45665, Recklinghausen, Münster, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.618246, Longitude: 7.2156442

kommentar 5

  • Ulrich Rieck

    Ulrich Rieck


  • Claudia K.

    Claudia K.


    Small kiosk with a good selection of magazines and tobacco products. A lottery acceptance point and the said post office are also located there. Friendly staff. Corona rules state; Only two people are allowed in. Unfortunately closed for lunch (13: 00-15: 00). Mon. only open until 1 p.m., otherwise until 6 p.m. One star deduction because of the opening times. Otherwise great!

  • Dr Ahmad

    Dr Ahmad



  • Waldemar dick

    Waldemar dick


    Very nice staff

  • Eduard Eduards

    Eduard Eduards


    The “Nice” employee did not want to accept postal consignments on Saturday. The first thing she said was that she should not accept so many consignments (I had 20 calendars), after which I asked you why the answer was picking up the consignments by mail It didn't happen until Tuesday on Wednesday or even Thursday (as if you didn't know when the shipments would be picked up), when I didn't let myself be influenced by this and insisted on handing over the calendars that the post office box had been closed and the mail was closed . The employees definitely have a sense of humor but don't feel like working

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