German post office i Horn-Bad Meinberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



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40a, Bahnhofstraße, 32805, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Detmold, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.876807, Longitude: 8.9534575

kommentar 5

  • Michael Wiegard

    Michael Wiegard


    Super nice team. Always time for a little chat. Super nice to the kids 👍🏻

  • Zekayi Ünal

    Zekayi Ünal


    Heer Hagemann very good owners, very friendly, always happy to help, but I don't think this owner is unfriendly and rude.

  • Rahel Schubert

    Rahel Schubert


    Very, very friendly contact and great service. I don't understand the unfriendly recessions at all. My favorite branch. Always a smile and excellent advice. Thank you very much.

  • J Spicher Altes Zollhaus Blombergerland

    J Spicher Altes Zollhaus Blombergerland


    Absolute impudence It's a shame, I was just horrified by the branch, which was actually always friendly and accommodating, but I've never been treated so unfriendly and rudely in a branch. The lady insulted me in a derogatory way. and if you then react, she goes to the back, leaves you standing and the owner hits on you - you would have complained about the post office. Sorry, that doesn't work at all. Actually, I just wanted to send a registered letter with a return receipt and didn't know that there are no longer any return receipts and that I have to find out more on the Internet before visiting, as she says. I can't recommend either post or location. That was just incredibly bold! . That's not how you treat customers. You don't first provoke customers in a derogatory way and then leave them alone. Absolutely bottom drawer! Horn Post kombi where is your old friendliness? That was another no go after the last action of sending in an Amazon return where the employees were visibly annoyed Bad twice and therefore now a rating that I would like to change if the friendliness returns there.

  • Laura Mikne

    Laura Mikne


    Good service and very friendly

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