German post office i Hohenstein-Ernstthal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



🕗 åbningstider

1, Heinrich-Heine-Straße, 09337, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.7996818, Longitude: 12.7280884

kommentar 5

  • Sven Weber

    Sven Weber


    Great service, always friendly, thank you!

  • Suppenfrosch85



    Package already delivered with postage paid, no complaints from staff. A few days later the package landed back at me - it was bulky goods, no further explanation. So supposed errors fixed. Back to the post office: the postage you've already paid is of course gone, it was only about €10, you've got it. Then the 'competent' statement: well it doesn't work like that, packages have to be square. Please who?! The lady allowed herself to be persuaded to do square....I saved myself any further explanations. Pointless. If they don't tell you straight away whether the franking is correct, why do you need a shop like that?!

  • Leandra Lange

    Leandra Lange


    Not really friendly, and always make the shipping costs much more expensive than it actually should be... It's better to get somewhere else, but it's also possible if necessary...

  • Doris Cordes

    Doris Cordes


    Super friendly staff, always trying to help, great selection of tobacco and newspapers, they also order extra for their customers if something is not in stock.

  • Jessica Merbeth

    Jessica Merbeth


    Incompetent staff who neither manage to search for the packages properly nor can provide any competent advice. And not just once.

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