German post office i Hattingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



🕗 åbningstider

51, Grünstraße, 45525, Hattingen, Arnsberg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3893601, Longitude: 7.1840788

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Barnjak

    Ivan Barnjak


    Actually a beverage market. But also responsible as a branch for the Post / DHL. In principle, the better post in Hattingen. The main office in Moltkestrasse has opening times depending on your mood. Here, in turn, you can always rely on it.

  • Pearl



    Take a break between 1pm and 3pm, which is fine. If you want to post parcels or returns regardless of time, you should look for another branch or use the packing stations.

  • Michael Solbach

    Michael Solbach


    Not just post, including the drinks market. Very competent, friendly and helpful. Prices normal. Good parking and accessibility. Large selection of drinks, if special requests will be ordered with the next delivery

  • Angela Meinert

    Angela Meinert


    Small beverage market with post office in the southern part of Hattingen. Parking in front of the door. Friendly service. Swift process. Before I go to the main post office, I prefer to go here. At least they are always open. Except for the lunch break from 1 pm to 3 pm.

  • Selina K

    Selina K


    A great alternative to the post office in Moltkestrasse! I drop off my parcels there regularly. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Everything totally uncomplicated :)

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