German post office i Geithain

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TysklandGerman post office



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42, Chemnitzer Straße, 04643, Geithain, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.0527244, Longitude: 12.6970502

kommentar 5

  • Veli Grünebaum

    Veli Grünebaum


    Absolutely NOT recommended, would take any detour to avoid this store in the future. Even one star is far too positive and, in my opinion, not deserved. Very unfriendly staff that takes a long time to wait until you serve a customer and then are very unable to send my package, which I was longingly waiting for, back to the recipient just because they can't cope with their own IT

  • Daniel Nitzsche

    Daniel Nitzsche


    I brought a prepaid package to this branch. My package was 31x23x15.5cm. It was a whopping half a centimeter too big for the unfriendly employee. The package was not accepted and I was able to return home without having accomplished anything. That's great customer friendliness when you're sent home because you're half a centimeter oversized. I have never experienced this before. Maybe the post office no longer needs to be accommodating?! That doesn't work for me at all

  • Sukhi San

    Sukhi San


    The problem with this branch can only be found in the staff, especially the two older women. Here you are not greeted in a friendly or respectful manner, but instead not at all. As a customer you have to crawl here, no matter what positive attitude you have when you enter this store. Whether it's picking up shipments or sending them, the employees do both very reluctantly and under questionable looks and comments. One would expect in vain a willingness to help and support here. Instead, every perceived mistake is denounced and celebrated. If these were actually things relevant to the postal business, I could certainly understand this. However, since the behavior depicted appears to be more about the named people being dissatisfied with themselves and their lives, this should not be taken out on strangers. Anyone who acts like that should be ashamed in my opinion! Nowadays, companies that let such employees manage customer contacts have rightly long since become obsolete! The fact that the very good name of the German Post is associated with people who act so derogatory towards strangers is extremely disappointing. I would therefore strongly advise anyone not to support such an attitude and to enter this business in its entirety. This review is based on our own experiences and those of acquaintances from 2018-2020.

  • Mikhail Gantman

    Mikhail Gantman



  • Sabine S.

    Sabine S.


    Why only 2 stars? I give the 2 because there are beautiful decorative items, especially during the Christmas season, but that's about it! As a customer you have the feeling that you are disturbing and you want to apologize for entering the store. Creepy !! The postal worker seems to have a bad day every day and every customer seems to be a nuisance. I really wonder what the ladies there have to deal with! Normally I don't go out on a limb like this, but this really annoys me!! I don't feel like going there when a package is waiting for me. I will now bring the bank deposits (2-3 times a week as the branch manager of a store, so I know how to behave towards customers :) ) to Rochlitz, you feel very well looked after there and no matter how busy it is, the women there, are ALWAYS friendly. Conclusion: If you want to find out what it's like to look at faces in a bad mood and would like to be a nuisance, you're definitely in good hands there *irony off*. ADDENDUM: Things have improved a lot and I now enjoy going to the shop :-) The ladies are friendly and you don't feel like you're bothering them. All good then! Because almost always only negative things are mentioned, there has to be something positive!

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