German post office i Gründau

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGerman post office



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2 a, Hain-Gründauer Straße, 63584, Gründau, Darmstadt, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 228 4333112
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.2278326, Longitude: 9.1111139

kommentar 5

  • Larissa Taxidis

    Larissa Taxidis


    The lady points out to me that she has not been allowed to accept plastic bags for a few days and tells me that I have to buy envelopes now, where does it say that she is not allowed to accept anything like that?! This is called bad signage. I have never seen anything so unfriendly and incompetent

  • maschja86



    I really have to say that the opening times are constantly changing and I always get annoyed about standing in front of a closed door. Why is the branch only open half days? It can't be due to a lack of customers, because whenever I'm there I have to wait in line and the parking spaces are completely full.

  • Phone-Service-Tenzel Gelnhausen

    Phone-Service-Tenzel Gelnhausen


    A big compliment to all the ladies at this post office, we have been coming there regularly since 2015. Always friendly, helpful, just great, please keep it up!!! LG

  • Frank G

    Frank G


    Service very diffuse! - The staff in the office has so far been impeccable and nothing to complain about - but the availability by telephone is a joke. Waiting loops, changed number, waiting again and then no one picks up. If so, then there is no time.

  • Andy Gruendauer

    Andy Gruendauer


    The staff is not only incompetent but also unfriendly, which is a combination that is unbearable. According to the motto: What is the best way to scare the customer?! A PostIdent for opening a bank account was rejected, a package was not accepted because the weight on the package label did not exactly match that of the scale, even though the package was already franked!!! If I don't have to, I'll never go into the store again. In this way, Deutsche Post can ruin its reputation.

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