Generator Berlin Mitte i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandGenerator Berlin Mitte



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65, Oranienburger Straße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 921037680
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5252073, Longitude: 13.3913872

kommentar 5

  • Human Animal

    Human Animal


    - Pros - Very cool hostel, the staff I had contact with (Australian guy + Slovakian girl) both were very friendly and cool people. WiFi is good, hot water is great and the place is clean. - Cons - No guest kitchen. Beds are bit short for long legs. Issue 1: when a person extends their stay on most hostels/hotels, you get an email confirmation. Very odd that in this hostel you get nothing, no confirmation that you actually paid/extended. Issue 2: I paid a bit extra for late checkout, but at 11am the (Asian) girl from reception knocked on the door to ask why I didn't checkout... Later when I came at 1pm to checkout she didn't even say sorry and when I asked why it happened she said "just an error"... A shame... The whole idea of late checkout is to be able to sleep late! silly :) Anyway, thanks for the nice place and the two cool folks at reception...

  • Rajneesh Milarepa

    Rajneesh Milarepa


    Well, Generator loses points for not having a public kitchen for guests. To me, a hostel is very different than a hotel and being able to cook your food is essential for budget travel (and better health). As well, the dorm rooms are cramped, and this is at less than half capacity. I’m sharing a four-bed dorm with only one other person and it feels crowded: I cannot imagine how four people in such a room would feel. It does have a great location, however, the staff are kind, there’s good WiFi, there are friendly people, and the pricing is reasonable. Not bad, but not one of the amazing, easygoing hostels I’ve loved and enjoyed throughout my travels...

  • rachel cameron

    rachel cameron


    The hotel has clean and comfortable rooms. Its good localizated!

  • Emiliano Gabriel Juan

    Emiliano Gabriel Juan


    The hostel its nice and cozy, very well located, but unfortunately, they stole me almost everything from the room, clothes included (a roomate, from a 4 bed shared room) and when i asked to contact the guest to ask for my things they told me that the only thing they could do its offer me a new locker.

  • Illia Strikhar

    Illia Strikhar


    The hotel itself is pretty good, with friendly staff and nice rooms. However, there’s a huge construction going on right next to it. It starts at 7am sharp and lasts well into the night. It’s loud enough that it was waking us up every morning.

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