Gasthaus zum Dörenberg i Bad Iburg

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TysklandGasthaus zum Dörenberg



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145, Osnabrücker Straße, 49186, Bad Iburg, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 5403 73240
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Latitude: 52.1712, Longitude: 8.06169

kommentar 5

  • Dominik H.

    Dominik H.


    Ein echt schickes Hotel. Habe eigentlich nix zu bemängeln, allerdings gibt's einen Stern Abzug weil das WLAN hier zwar frei aber gedrosselt ist. 500mb? Ingo heutzutage ein No-Go! Unbedingt an der Rezeption melden, die geben einem 10gb Volumen.

  • en

    Dunja Beurier


    The dinner was excellent (the risotto). But as a vegan, I would like more choice of vegetarian/vegan meals. The service was otherwise very good and the plates looked tasty and well presented. Room size was good and the dog-welcome treats were a wonderful surprise. In many years of travelling around Europe with my dogs, this has never happened, plus, without an extra pay! I thank you in their name. If I have an opportunity, I will gladly come back.

  • de

    Martin Kromarck


    Die Räume für Veranstaltungen sind gut geschnitten und die Toiletten sind sauber, gepflegt und optisch ansprechend. 4,5 von 5,0 Das Essen ist optisch gut angerichtet und bekommt dafür eine 4,5 von 5,0 . Die Servicekräfte sind gut (bis auf eine Ausnahme) 4,0 von 5,0 . Das Frühstück bekommt 3,5 von 5 da ist die Aufmerksamkeit der Servicekräfte bei großem Andrang Verbesserungsbedürftig. Die Zimmer im Haupthaus sind gut, im Gästehaus eher weniger. Bei Bewertungen ist der Chef sofort zur Stelle. ......ob das was nützt ???? .....Werde ich berichten 😉

  • Jan Pešek

    Jan Pešek


    I should explain, why I gave 3 stars. Rooms are quite ok, but there were 2 of 3 light bulbs broken, so it was really dark in the room. Bed was an old one really soft, so I was awake many times in the night because of it. You can hear a lot of noice from the street with opened window, but if you don't open it, you don't have any other possibility to get a fresh air. It was really complicated to get to the room - many staircases and turns till i found it and I had to use the same way every time I wanted to get out or to go to breackfast. I had a big troubles with wifi stability as well. That is the reason, why i had to give just 3 stars. Now some other info: There is enough parking place around the hotel. You get a nice breackfast on sweden table. I'm not sure anymore if there is a restaurant, but I think so. Anyway I wasn't in it.

  • Michael Fischer

    Michael Fischer


    Nice food...pleasant atmosphere

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